Trumpeldor cemetery

Trumpeldor cemetery (Hebrew: בית הקברות טרומפלדור‎), often referred to as the "Old Cemetery," is a historic cemetery on Trumpeldor Street in Tel Aviv, Israel. The cemetery covers 10.6 acres, and contains approximately 5,000 graves.


The cemetery was founded in 1902 on a tract of unoccupied land in Jaffa, six years before the founding of Ahuzat Bayit, the first neighborhood of Tel Aviv. Buried there are the city's founders, early residents, and cultural and historical figures, including Moshe Sharett, the second Prime Minister of Israel. [1]

When the cemetery opened, its location was far from populated areas but today it is located in downtown Tel Aviv, north of Trumpeldor Street, between Hovevei Zion and Zion Pinsker streets, where its three entry gates are located. The eastern gate is the oldest. The main gate (center) was opened in 1926 with the interment of the remains of Max Nordau. Today, only persons holding plots purchased long ago and a small number willing to pay many thousands of dollars are buried there. The eastern section is the oldest and includes the tombs of the early leaders in Tel Aviv, and Jews from Jaffa. The remains of well known persons may be found in the southwest corner.

The Trumpeldor cemetery was the only cemetery in Tel Aviv until 1932, when the Nahalat Yitzhak cemetery was opened.
